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Fluff and Nonsense

Megan is a long time resident of m/m fiction, and keeps herself busy reading, writing, and publishing it. She is often accused of fluff and nonsense. When she's not involved in writing, she likes to cook, harass her cats, or watch movies (especially all things James Bond). She loves to hear from readers, and can be found all around the internet. maderr.com maderr.tumblr.com maderr.livejournal.com lessthanthreepress.com @amasour

Currently reading

The Last Grand Master
Andrew Q. Gordon
A Sinner Born
Avril Ashton
The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories
Angela Carter, Marina Warner, Igor Karash
Coda - Angela Fiddler This series was a lot of fun to read. Every time I started a book, I could not put it down. The books I love best are always because of the characters, and I definitely loved the characters in this series--especially Vision, and especially in this last book. These books are interesting, clever, engaging, and fucking funny. I'm really glad I gave Castoffs a try on a whim, and that I was able to get the whole series, it's been the highlight of my week.